By Published On: July 23, 2024Categories: Articles

Alfred Baurley of Arid Bilge Systems interviewed Midnight Express Boats‘ Eric Glaser at the 2024 Miami Boat Show to talk about the Arid Bilge System.

See below for a transcript of the entire interview.

Interview Transcript

Alfred: Hello, I’m Alfred Baurley with Arid Bilge Systems here at the Midnight Express booth talking with Eric about the Arid Bilge System and how it’s improved their line of boats, making a cleaner, fresher, drier boating experience. Eric, can you tell me a little bit about your experience, how the Arid Bilge System has worked on your Midnight Express boats?

Eric: Yeah, absolutely. We offer it on all of our models. It helps keep the bilge dry, clean, so you’re not worried about all the corrosion and the “black bilge” and all that. It’s a great option. You guys have a bunch of different versions and different power supply options and it works for us depending on which way we’re powering the boat.

Alfred: Where is the system located on the boat?

Eric: We mount them in the rear bilge of the boat on every model.

Alfred: What locations does it vacuum from on your line of boats?

Eric: We do it in our rear bilge, one in the mid bilge, and then depending on what customers ask for, sometimes we do it up by a bow thruster where they might catch a little bit of water. Just keeping that little bit of water out of the boat.

Alfred: This has improved your line of boats in making everything nice and dry versus having a wet and moldy environment, you know, protecting your Seakeeper, your generator, all these sensitive components that are down there. Having a dry environment versus a wet environment is a lot better to make everything run smoother on the vessel.

Eric: Of course, it’s all good things. Water messes everything up and we’re in a wet environment in a boat.

Alfred: Right. Eric, I really appreciate your time. Thank you for being really generous.

Eric: No problem. Thanks for making a great product. Keep it up!

Alfred: I appreciate it. Thanks, man.